Month: December 2019

  • 3 Big Mistakes You’re Making With Your Blog Photos (And How to Fix Them)

    Big Blog Photo Mistakes

    blog photos

    There are three huge mistakes I often see people make with their blog photos.

    I know they’re mistakes because I’ve made them, too.

    Unfortunately, blog photos tend to become an afterthought for writers because we spend so much time crafting our content that by the time we’re done, we just want to slap on a photo and be done with it.


    Here’s why that’s a huge mistake.

    Did you know that blog photos are one of the biggest things that make people stop scrolling and pay attention?

    Articles that include images get 94% more views than those without, according to Jeff Bullas. That’s a high enough percentage to convince me that photos are important!

    Granted, photos may not be as important in your emails. But if you’re promoting your article on social media and you don’t have an image—forget about it.

    People scroll so fast that you literally have a split second to get their attention before they’re 10 miles further down their feed.

    Basically the blunt truth is:

    No compelling photo = No attention = No clicks

    It’s that simple.

    Now that you know how important it is to include compelling photos in your articles, here are the three biggest mistakes you may be making when choosing pictures:

    Mistake #1: Your blog photos are boring.

    Photos with bland colors easily get lost in the social media shuffle. 

    Because of that, be sure to follow step Number 1 in choosing non-boring photos:

    Choose photos with captivating colors. 

    Photos with bright or rich colors stand out. When considering a photo, take a moment to ask: “Would this image catch my attention if I were scrolling through Facebook or Twitter?”

    Choose photos of people.

    We’re emotional beings. We’re much more drawn to look at people than we are to look at objects.

    Because of that, I will often try to use photos of people for my articles. If the photo shows a person’s face, that’s even better. 

    Choose photos that are dramatic.

    Pictures have the power to stir up deep emotions within us. If your article is about a dramatic topic, don’t be afraid to choose a dramatic picture.

    What does that mean?

    If your article is about depression, for instance, consider using a photo that involves a lot of dark colors and shows a person crying or looking sad.

    DON’T choose cheesy stock images, unattractive cartoon images or photos that are super busy. 

    If you know your audience responds to those kinds of images, then OK, go for it.

    But it’s likely that cheesy photos make your brand look cheap and busy photos make you seem harried. Just saying. 

    Mistake #2: Your photos don’t make sense with the headline or content.

    Perhaps worse than a boring photo is a photo that captures attention but then totally confuses the reader when they see the headline. (Click here to learn how to write super compelling headlines.)

    Don’t be that person.

    Sometimes finding relevant photos is tricky because the content is so abstract. How do you find a photo for an article about spiritual growth or how to boost your Facebook traffic?

    In those cases, be creative. Chances are, you won’t go wrong with a photo of a person.

    Mistake #3: Your blog photos are breaking copyright laws. 

    OK, friend, this is a big one. 

    There are a lot of sites that offer free photos. Some are public domain; others have low-grade copyrights. But this is where you proceed with caution because breaking copyright laws can get you in a lot of trouble. 

    I mean like photographer-suing-you kind of trouble.

    In fact, this is the reason I’ve steered clear of Flickr. Copyright statuses can change on those photos and can trip you up later on. 

    Several years ago, I had a handful of people reach out to me saying a photo on an article I posted was infringing on their copyright. Why? Because it had changed from CC 2.0 (which is allowable with attribution in non-promotional materials) to a copyright that prohibited re-use without express permission. 

    The moral of the story is: Stay away from Flickr.

    Instead, use photos that are public domain or CC0. 

    Thankfully this is a lot easier nowadays. There are several great sites that have copyright-free photos like Unsplash, Pexels or Pixabay

    Check out my list of the top nine free photo sites that are safe to use for your money-making blog.

    (I would encourage you to still be cautious as sometimes there is confusion and photographers might accidentally upload photos they weren’t given permission to upload.)

    Another option is to purchase your photos from stock image sites. 

    If you are at a decent place in your business where this is financially feasible, this is a great option. It’s a guarantee that you won’t get in trouble for using the photo.

    But one of the best photo options if you need images of layout or background is: Take your own blog photos. 

    This is actually pretty simple if you have an iPhone. (I don’t have an iPhone, but my husband does, so I borrow his.)

    You can use items in your own house. Take pictures of the outdoors. If you sell physical products, take photos of your own work and, better yet, people using your products.

    If you teach busy moms how to cook quick, delicious meals, then take photos of your own food.

    You don’t have to make this complicated. Just consider lighting and angle so that your blog photos look pristine.

    There you have it! I think you’ll find that fixing these three big mistakes in your photos will dramatically improve your readers’ experience in finding and enjoying your articles.

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  • How to Write Sales Copy That Doesn’t Sound Sleazy

    Sales copy

    If you’re anything like me, writing sales copy for your own business or blog can be a bit terrifying. 

    It can be nerve-wracking to analyze and select words that promote our products but don’t make us sound like money-grubbing sleaze balls.

    Or maybe I’m the only one who feels this way. 

    But I don’t think so. Chances are you’ve struggled with your fair share of promo panic.

    And today, we’re going to tackle this issue head-on!

    Sales Copy


    The problem is that we’ve experienced the discomfort of other people overselling to us and, worse, using language that makes us feel trapped and pressured to buy. 

    Do I take out my phone and pretend someone is calling me when the Best Buy salesman approaches?

    No, but the temptation is real, my friend.

    Sounding obnoxious with your sales copy is a legitimate concern! 

    We don’t want to come across as though we are nurturing relationships with our audience for the sole purpose of squeezing money out of them.

    I’m glad you don’t want to sound sleazy in your selling. 

    But unfortunately, that fear can really hold you back. You can pull readers in with fantastic headlines, but if you don’t follow up with some stellar sales copy, you can find all your hard work is for nothing.

    Instead, you end up whispering your sales and barely speaking loud enough for others to hear you’re actually offering something of value for a price.

    This can dramatically hurt your sales. But maybe you already know that.

    There’s a simple solution to this: Put your audience first.

    Sales Copy Secret #1: Free Content!

    That means delivering stellar, value-packed content for free and blessing your audience as much as you can. Your mindset isn’t “How much do I have to give before I ask them to buy?” 

    Instead, your thought process is “How can I bless and serve everyone who comes to my blog/website/podcast/video without expecting anything back?” 

    (And by the way, that’s step 1 of permanently banishing writer’s block from your business!)

    This is crucial because, let’s be honest, people aren’t stupid. We can tell when someone is treating us nicely just because they want something from us. Let’s not do that to others. 

    As your readers receive this kind of no-strings-attached treatment from you, you begin to gain one of the most valuable things you can get from a person: trust. 

    Trust is the ultimate reason someone will not only buy from you, but keep buying from you. 

    But what about people who consume your free content but then don’t buy anything from you after reading your sales copy? Isn’t that a waste? 

    The answer is absolutely not.

    Even if someone doesn’t end up buying from you, they will still respect you. Perhaps they don’t purchase because what you’re offering isn’t exactly what they need or they simply can’t afford it. But that same person may still drive others to your content because of the great experience they’ve had with it.

    Blessing others is never a waste.

    Now, please don’t misunderstand me. I’m not saying to spend all your time doing extra things for people who refuse to buy from you. There is a special experience that you should reserve only for your purchasing customers.

    What I am saying is that the content you give for free should be so valuable and bless people so much that even if they don’t end up buying from you, they still walk away from your content feeling like they gained something special.

    To me, that’s a win. 

    Be Honest About How the Purchase Will Help Them

    You believe in your product, right? Of course you do; otherwise, you wouldn’t have created it or offered it!

    Whether what you’re selling is a product or a service, there’s a reason you’re selling it—you believe it will make a difference in people’s lives.

    The key, then, is to tell your audience how what you’re offering will change their lives.

    Don’t Fall Into the Trap of Focusing on Features First in Your Sales Copy

    In other words, when my mom (who owns a small publishing company for homeschool families) promotes her American Literature Class, she shouldn’t start her sales copy by telling her audience that the book is 478 pages long and comes in both print form and a downloadable e-book. 

    Instead, she should start by focusing on benefits. That means telling her audience how her American literature curriculum will impact their lives, their homeschooling, even their relationships. Here’s an example of some copy my mom could use to promote one of her American Literature curriculum:

    American literature doesn’t have to be boring—not even for your rambunctious middle schooler! Our American Literature class combines living books and hands-on activities so that you and your children can work together, build stronger relationships with each other, and truly understand America’s classic literature and its cultural impact in a way that will not fade from memory a year later. 

    Now, there are several reasons this copy works really well for my mom’s audience. (I’ll get more into some of those reasons in a bit.)

    The first thing I want you to see, though, is that this copy focuses on benefits instead of features. Some features weave throughout the copy, such as the fact that the curriculum uses living books and hands-on activities.

    But the features aren’t the hero of the story. The hero of the story in this example isn’t even the curriculum, really. It’s the customer’s family. The curriculum simply becomes the key so that the family can bond (benefit), deeply understand American literature (benefit), and retain what they’ve learned (benefit).

    Speak Your Client’s Language

    The second reason this example works is because it speaks the language of my mom’s ideal client. Every benefit you write about for your product or service should directly speak to your ideal client.

    If your ideal client is a busy pastor looking for a virtual assistant, a benefit might be that his sermons will improve and his quality time with family will increase because he doesn’t have to waste time on administrative tasks he doesn’t even enjoy.

    If you told that same client that hiring you as a virtual assistant would give him more time to build his client base, that wouldn’t resonate with him as much because … well … he doesn’t care about building his client base. He cares about his flock and his family. 

    Focus on your ideal client’s deepest concerns, desires and fears. Allowing this to guide the benefits you write for your product or service will ensure that you speak your audience’s language and earn their ear.

    The best way to learn these things about your ideal client is to actually listen to them. (Novel idea, right?)

    That includes:

    1. Interact with them online.

    Where does your ideal client hang out online? Facebook? Instagram? Who do they follow? What Facebook groups do they belong to and participate in? Read the comments they post in these groups and pay close attention to the language that they use.

    The more you hear them share their questions and concerns for themselves, the more you understand them and can speak to their felt need!

    2. Talk to them in person or on the phone.

    This can be as simple as talking to people who match your ideal client at places like networking events, social clubs or groups they belong to or—if you have a brick-and-mortar business—in your own store.

    Another option is to ask a past client if they would be willing to speak with you on the phone. If they say yes, then take that time to ask them a few questions about their life as it relates to your service or product.

    Let’s say that you sell an organic shampoo and conditioner. If you’re on a phone call with a satisfied customer, then ask them some questions about why they were interested in an organic shampoo and conditioner to begin with. What problem made them realize that regular shampoos and conditioners were no longer making the cut?

    Ask them what their regular hair-care routine looks like; what their hair goals are; what stops them from really giving their hair the attention it needs and deserves. 

    3. Listen for the more personal tidbits they share.

    Chances are that as you ask these kinds of questions, pieces of the customer’s personal life will seep through. They may tell you that they want their hair to heal from the damage of coloring it for so many years, but as a working mom of two young kids, they hardly have enough time to wash it at all! When they spend extra time on themselves instead of their kids, they may feel guilty.

    Next time you promote your product, you can share how your organic shampoo and conditioner will not only heal your prospective customer’s hair, but it will also add no extra time to their daily hair routine, wiping out any potential guilt they might feel about spending extra time on pampering.

    You get the picture.


    The last piece of advice I’ll give you today is to simply practice. Try things out! Be adventurous!

    Work on writing your sales copy as if you were best friends with your ideal client and were recommending a product or service to them that you know would change their lives. 

    Just be you!

    I encourage you to try one of these tips this week. And let me know how it works for you! Email me at and tell me what worked for you and what didn’t. 

    Happy selling!

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  • The Ultimate Cure for Writer’s Block

    Writer's Block

    Writer's block

    I feel your pain, my friend. And that pain is called “writer’s block.”

    You’ve set aside a large chunk of time to write (which was probably a miracle in itself).

    You’ve set your writing space up perfectly. You have your coffee, your silence and your fully functioning computer (another miracle).

    You sit down to start writing and … you got nothing.

    You try taking a few minutes to think and brainstorm. You walk around the house a bit and then try again. You try freewriting to get your creative juices flowing.

    But every word you type is like wrangling a chew toy out of the mouth of your hyperactive bulldog. 

    That, my friend, is called writer’s block.

    I hear about it all the time in Facebook groups I’m a part of for writers, entrepreneurs and bloggers. It’s like a horrible flu we all hope we don’t get but definitely will—and it will take you down.

    But the answer I want to offer for your writer’s block is not the answers you’ll find in your Facebook groups. I’m not going to tell you to make a mind map or take a brisk walk or do some word association.

    Those don’t solve your real problem with writer’s block.

    After all, the only thing worse than not knowing what to write is writing something your audience doesn’t care about.

    You can brainstorm and free write until you’re worn to the bone, but it won’t actually help you if you’re writing the wrong thing.

    The best cure I can give you for writer’s block is simply this:

    Find out what your audience wants.

    You don’t have a hobby blog. You have a business blog. That means you aren’t writing for yourself. Rather, you’re writing for someone else. This isn’t about you; it’s about your audience.

    So stop thinking about what you want to write and start thinking about what your audience needs.

    Here are some questions to get you thinking:

    1. What was the last question someone in your audience asked you regarding your area of expertise?
    2. What was the last time you witnessed someone in your audience make a mistake that you knew you had the answer to?
    3. What are some fears your audience has expressed in their comments, reviews, questions or conversations with you?
    4. What are some goals your clients have and what are the best strategies to reach them?
    5. What are some objections or mental blocks people have that keep them from purchasing your product? 
    6. What is something you’ve seen your audience get confused about?
    7. What are some tools or apps you use to make your job and life easier that your audience would care about?
    8. What is a transformation you’ve gone through that has revolutionized your business and could help your clients?
    9. What success have you seen one of your clients have after purchasing your product? Tell their story. (This doesn’t have to be overly salesy. Just tell the story and focus on the mindset shifts and strategies they used to be successful.)
    10. What mistake have you made recently and what did you learn from it?

    How to Find the Answers to These Questions

    Some of these questions you can answer all on your own because they’re based on your experience, but others—not so much.

    For questions that relate directly to your audience, the best place to get answers is their own mouths. Or hands, I suppose.

    Look at their comments online. Read the reviews they leave for your products or services or content. Listen to their complaints. You can even try calling them!

    The point is: listen. Listen to the words they’re saying. And then listen to the words underneath what they’re saying.

    I’m not trying to sound mystical when I say that. The words we say are fueled by motives. And sometimes those motives aren’t as blatant as we think they are. 

    Sometimes we don’t even know our own motives!

    Proverbs 18:4 says that “the words of a man’s mouth are deep waters” (ESV). 

    Sometimes—dare I say, oftentimes—we have to look beyond the surface of people’s words and ask ourselves why they said that. What pain or desire is fueling their remarks?

    Why is this homeschooling mom frustrated with her kids and their school? Is it because she feels like they don’t obey her? If so, why is that? Is she overwhelmed by the chaos in her home? Is her fourth-grader struggling to learn to read?

    Sometimes we don’t have enough information to go on and may struggle to find the accurate motives behind a person’s words. 

    But it’s always important to ask and search and ponder. 

    Jesus did this so many times! When Nicodemus came to Jesus in the middle of the night and told Him he believed God was with Him, Jesus didn’t respond with a mere “Oh, gee, thanks Nicodemus. I appreciate your vote of confidence.”

    Instead, Jesus immediately touched on the secret need in Nicodemus’ heart. He told him: “Unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God” (John 3:3).

    As someone who is keenly aware of how my words and actions might make other people feel, Jesus’ response makes me feel all sorts of awkward. 

    But it shouldn’t, because Jesus knew the real reason Nicodemus came to Him. In the middle of the night. With a seemingly random, not-so-popular compliment.

    Jesus heard the words. He saw the underlying motive. And He offered a solution to the real need.

    As a Jesus-focused business owner, you aren’t just giving clients what they say they want. You’re looking past the words and giving them what they really need. And if that makes you afraid, then maybe it’s time to start doing things afraid.

    So let’s try this again.

    Find your quiet spot. Get your fully functioning computer. Set aside your time for deep work. And start typing.

    This time, watch the words start flowing and say goodbye to writer’s block.

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  • 3 Ways I Invite Jesus Into Every Area of My Business

    Jesus in Business

    Inviting Jesus into my business

    Your business, my friend, is unique.

    It’s different from most businesses in the world—because as a Christian, your business belongs to Jesus.

    In fact, that’s why you’re reading this blog. You don’t want a “normal” business. You want a business that honors Christ in every way possible. 

    But what does that mean? 

    First, let me tell you what it doesn’t mean. 

    It doesn’t mean your primary audience has to be Christian.

    It means that Jesus is the one in charge, leading the way and guiding every single step.

    And believe me, this doesn’t happen on accident.

    When you’re pursuing a new idea for a business, it can be easy to get so excited and focused on it, that little by little, Jesus goes from sitting on the throne of your business to sitting on the sidelines.

    It doesn’t have to be that way!

    When I first thought of the idea of starting a side hustle, I didn’t even know what exactly I would do or what I would offer to people.

    But I knew one thing: I wanted Jesus to be at the helm. Always.

    Because of that, I decided to do several things to make sure He stayed in charge. It was really important for me to follow these three things consistently because not every person I looked to for business advice was a Christian. 

    In fact, a lot of great marketing and entrepreneur podcasts/educators aren’t Christian. They have incredible content, but it’s not focused on Christ. I had to ask myself: “How can I apply these smart principles while keeping Christ at the center?”

    3 Ways I Keep Jesus First in My Business

    Here’s what this looks like for me:

    1. I surrendered my business to Jesus in prayer from the very beginning.

    As soon as I knew I wanted to start a side business, I brought it to the Lord in prayer and asked Him if this was something He was putting on my heart.

    I don’t want to do anything unless Jesus is behind it. I know you feel the same way.

    My prayers about my business in the very beginning were mostly full of questions. “Is this Your will? What do You want me to do? How can I honor my employers at my current full-time job while pursuing this dream?”

    Little by little, the Lord revealed His heart about these things. (Check out the overarching value statement He laid on my heart.) And if you’re just starting out and in that position of questioning, He will do the same for you.

    Above all, this meant that my heart was open to whatever the Lord wanted. If He had said no to a side business, I would have been OK with that.

    All I knew was that I wanted His will, not mine.

    2. I asked Him to define my values and parameters.

    Once I felt the Lord confirm my direction in starting a side business, I began seeking Him about the values and foundations He wanted me to have.

    I started by writing down several reasons I want to pursue a side business that would eventually become my main work. Some of those reasons included:

    • So I could stay home with my future children and homeschool them.
    • So I could have a creative outlet that hones my skills while I’m home.
    • So I could earn money that my husband and I could set aside for savings, investing, and any extra charity or gifts we wanted to give.
    • So I could have freedom to decide who I work with and what content I produce.
    • So I could have more flexibility in my schedule.
    • To help people.

    Now that I knew my reasons for starting a business at home, I asked the Lord to give me several guiding principles and values that would help steer my business. These values are crucial because they stand as the primary test I would use to weigh every business decision.

    For example, I told the Lord before I began the side business that I did not want this endeavor to interfere with my commitment to my family or ministry.

    To me, family and ministry are more important than my side business. For me, that looks like making sure I’m setting aside quality time for my amazing husband, Diego, each day as well as for our respective families each week.

    Ministry is also a huge part of my life. I’ve been on our church’s worship team since I was 13 years old. I’ve helped lead the church youth group since my sophomore year of college, and I’ve been discipling young women since I was about 15.

    Pouring into the kingdom of God through ministry is something I know the Lord has called me to do. Sowing into eternity will always be a primary focus for me. My side business won’t change that. I refuse to let it.

    And yes, my side business is another opportunity to sow into eternal things, but sowing directly into my church family is something I highly value and won’t stop doing.

    Maybe you can relate?

    3. I chose to follow biblical principles for my business finances.

    Long before I started this blog, I decided to save money to invest in my business instead of going into debt.

    The Bible talks about debt with caution several times. And although it never calls it a sin, it does call it pretty foolish. (See Proverbs 22:7, Proverbs 22:26, and Romans 13:8 for some examples.)

    I realize that it might be hard to save up money to invest in starting a business, and I realize that each person’s business journey looks a little different. But it was important to me not to go into debt to launch my side hustle.

    Secondly, I make sure to talk to my husband about almost every decision regarding my business. 

    On the one hand, this is super easy because I do my research and when I share what I’ve found with him and why I want to purchase a particular thing, he’s usually encouraging me to do it.

    My husband truly is my biggest cheerleader! And I don’t take that for granted.

    Now, that doesn’t mean we never disagree about money decisions for my business. But I’ve found that when I thoroughly explain my rationale and we openly and kindly communicate, we come to a decision together that we both feel good about.

    Some may read that and think, “Why does your husband even need to have a say in what decisions you make for your business?”

    My only response would be that I am 100% convinced that Jesus wants my husband and me to be in absolutely unity in all things relating to our marriage and family. 

    That said, it’s important to research and make wise decisions for what to buy. I know you won’t reach for every shiny object, but I still have to say it.

    Investigate what you think would be a good investment for your business. Read reviews about the tool, educational course or platform. See if there’s a trial run that you can use to test how you like the product and if it’s a good fit for you.

    The goal is to invest as a good steward.

    Don’t be afraid to spend money. Just be wise about it. Be willing to invest into your business and take good care of it.

    Ultimately, my business doesn’t belong to me. And your business doesn’t actually belong to you. 

    It belongs to Jesus.

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  • How to Write a Headline That Gets Your Audience to Click

    How to Write a Headline

    how to write a headline

    You’re frustrated, and I get it. 

    You slaved over your latest blog to provide meaningful, value-packed content that you know will revolutionize your readers’ lives. 

    It meets their needs. It speaks to their problem. It’s what they’re looking for!

    You can’t help but smile as you post it and promote it on social media because you know it’s just that good.

    But then a day goes by and you have like 15 clicks. Five days later—16. 

    What went wrong?

    The most likely reason your blog flopped isn’t that your content wasn’t good enough. God gave you a message and you’re called to share it!

    Instead, chances are the real problem was with one of the most crucial parts of your entire article: your headline.

    How Important Is Your Headline?

    The late marketing guru David Ogilvy recommended that advertisers spend 80% of their budget on the headline. 80%!

    That’s a large percentage to spend on a single line of copy. (Especially considering your article is likely 70 times as long as your headline.)

    But I’m convinced Ogilvy was absolutely right. In my experience as an online editor, I’ve noticed that the amount of clicks an article gets correlates almost exactly with the quality of the headline!

    When I first started working as an editor, I couldn’t write a headline to save my life. It was a huge mystery to me. “Just tell me what to write!” is what I wanted to scream.

    But as time went on and I kept writing more headlines, I noticed which ones got people to click and which ones didn’t.

    Check out my free cheat sheet for 19 captivating headlines that you can tweak to make sense for your audience and get them to click on your articles! CLICK HERE to get your free headline cheat sheet: 19 Headlines That Will Capture Your Audience’s Attention (And Get Them Clicking)!

    Now, granted, you will never be able to convince me that headline-writing is a pure science. There will always be a weird x-factor that no one can explain regarding why one story explodes and another trickles out of public sight.

    And yet, there truly are several practical things you can do with headlines to ensure that your article gets as much love as possible. 

    Here are the main lessons I learned that dramatically improved my headline-writing game:

    1. Speak to the felt need or pain point with your headline.

    I know this sounds like marketing jargon, but it’s actually super simple.

    Speaking to a felt need or pain point simply means understanding what your audience is feeling, what they want, what keeps them up at night, what burdens their souls, and what they wish they could change in their lives.

    Understanding an audience’s emotions and motives is the most valuable thing you could do for writing better headlines.

    Don’t think like a writer at this point in the game. You’ve already written the content. You know it’s good. 

    Headline-writing is not the place to put your emphasis on being super cutesy, poetic or creatively ambiguous. It’s not that those things never work. It’s that it’s easy to get lost in those tactics and lose the felt need that your headline desperately needs to address.

    Writing headlines is when it’s time to think like a consumer. Pretend you’re your ideal client, scrolling through Facebook looking for your cousin’s photo of the humongous tree that crashed through her roof. 

    You’re not going to stop hunting for your cousin’s photo because you saw an article titled “The Solace of Spring.”

    But if you’re a young mom, you might stop if the article said “How I Got My Rebellious 3-Year-Old to Finally Stop Throwing Daily Tantrums.”

    See the difference?

    2. Use eye-catching words.

    there are other words that naturally draw attention no matter who’s reading them.

    Words that are eye-catching in and of themselves tend to be dramatic, unexpected and underused.

    For example, which would catch your attention more:

    “How to Deal With a Rebellious Child”


    “How to Extinguish Your Toddler’s Worst Tantrums (Without Losing Your Mind)”

    Maybe some of you are more drawn to the simplicity of the first headline, but I guarantee that the majority of people would be more intrigued by the second.

    While some words tend to draw attention no matter who you are, there are other words that are more confined to your specific audience (words they’re familiar with and talk a lot about).

    If you know your audience loves homeschool curriculum based on living books (also known as the Charlotte Mason method), use that phrase! Non-homeschooling people might not know what a living book is, but your audience does—so use it!

    3. Use numbers every once in a while in your headline.

    Listicles are a consistent attention-grabber. 

    Not only do numerals draw attention to headlines anyway, but listicles tend to give easy wins and practical advice. Readers don’t mind giving a little of their time to read your stuff if they know they’re going to get some concrete value out of it.

    (On the off chance you don’t know what a listicle is, it’s an article that centers on a numbered list, as shown by the headline. For instance, “10 Ways Green Smoothies Boost Your Overall Health” would be a listicle.)

    Odd numbers supposedly do best in headlines. People I would consider writing and marketing experts have told me this countless times. 

    But this doesn’t give you license to come up with a bogus point or tip just to take your list number from 8 to 9. Don’t force yourself to create an extra point if it doesn’t actually add value. 

    Another caution: Don’t overdo it. Listicles are great, but people can get irritated if every single piece of your content starts with a number.

    Listicles are like salt. Some people love a lot of salt on their meals. Others only need a dash. But no one wants to eat a bowl full of it. (And if you do, maybe have a talk with your doctor.)

    4. Make a promise, then deliver on it.

    Another important thing you can do in headlines is make a promise. Again, headlines are basically the first thing people read that tell them why they should click on your article and read.

    If the information or encouragement in your article can make a change in the reader’s life, then tell them what that change is. 

    Keep in mind that promises should be specific, timely, and practical/doable.

    Here’s an example of that: 

    How to Get Your Child to Eat Broccoli (and Love It!) in 2 Weeks

    This headline makes a promise to me (the reader) that if I apply the principles in the article, my child will not only eat their broccoli, but love it (specific and practical) in two weeks (timely).

    Please keep in mind this huge warning: Never overpromise in your headline. Don’t tell your reader that you will show them how to lose 10 pounds in one week if that isn’t actually realistic or likely. 

    Overpromising in your headline is the easiest way to become clickbait and cause your audience to lose trust in you.

    Make a promise, but be realistic about what that promise is. Then, in your article’s content, deliver on that promise.

    5. Add some headline mystery.

    Headlines with mystery make people feel like you know something they don’t–but desperately need to!

    For instance, if you read “Lose 5 Pounds of Fat in 2 Weeks With This Simple Diet Change,” you might wonder, What diet change is she talking about? Do I need to make that change to my diet?

    You can add mystery to headlines of promise (like in my example above), or you can add it to headlines that play on your readers’ fears.

    I know playing on your readers’ fears might sound manipulative, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

    For example, if you read “This Common Blogging Mistake Could Cost You Hundreds of Clicks,” you will want to know what that common mistake is because you care about your blog.

    Going back to my clickbait soapbox, make sure the fear you are presenting is actually a real problem. Don’t say in your headline that the fear you are presenting will do more damage than it really will.

    Be honest. Be real. Write compelling headlines.

    You can do this!

    Email me with some of your latest headline ideas at I’d love to hear from you!

    P.S. If you’re still struggling with writing compelling headlines, I think you’ll love my free cheat sheet: 19 Irresistible Headlines.

    In it, I provide 19 headlines that are irresistible and explain why they work. I offer a formula for each headline so that you can easily tweak it to make it work for your content and audience.

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