
  • These Tools for Blogging Can Save You 10+ Hours Each Week

    Tools for Blogging to Save Time
    Tools for Blogging to Save Time

    Blogging, when done with excellence, can take dozens of hours of your week. That’s a lot of time you could be spending getting new customers or, better yet, spending time with family. Thankfully, the right tools for blogging can cut your time in half—or more.

    Most of these tools are 100% free. A few do cost money, but I’ll be sure to let you know which those are. Also, please note that I’m an affiliate for some of the tools that cost money. (Again, I’ll let you know which those are for the sake of transparency.) As a business owner, I only promote tools I love, so enjoy!

    Tools for Blogging: The Writing Process

    Grammarly for Editing

    If grammar isn’t really your thing, that’s OK. Grammarly, even with its free version, is pretty good at catching basic mistakes. That includes things like spelling, incorrect verb tense, etc.

    It won’t catch more complex errors, though. So if you are concerned about your writing, consider hiring a writer or a copy editor.

    Hemingway Editor

    The Hemingway Editor tool is pretty cool because it doesn’t just focus on the grammar of your article. It also helps you catch clunky sentences, passive voice, and any monotony in your cadence. In other words, it helps write the kind of content people online want to read.

    Tools for Blog SEO

    Are you trying to research SEO on your own and going over your blog again and again to make sure it’s optimized for search engines? If so, you know how it can suck hours of your precious time.

    These tools can help you out, especially if you’re an SEO beginner!

    Yoast SEO

    If you have a WordPress site, the Yoast SEO plugin can help you optimize every single blog post. Plus, it’s just super satisfying to get that green SEO light when you’re done. 😉 

    If you need help learning how to work your Yoast plugin, or if you need basic SEO help in general, check out my blog post on SEO for WordPress. The basic teachings in this post will help you even if your blog isn’t on WordPress.


    Ubersuggest has a free plan that will help you research keywords for your blog posts. You can also type in your site’s URL and have Ubersuggest run a test to check your website’s SEO health. I highly recommend this tool!

    Tools for Blogging Graphics

    Free Photo Sites

    I may not be a fantastic photographer, but I love beautiful photos, especially for my blogs. If you need some sites that offer copyright-free photos that cost nothing, check out this blog post:

    9 Places to Find Copyright-Free Photos

    A lot of these sites have photos that are absolutely gorgeous. And it beats spending hours each week taking photos yourself.


    I’m a teensy bit obsessed with Canva if I’m honest with myself. I introduced my mom to Canva just a few months ago and she’s hooked too!

    We love it so much because it makes designing graphics and PDFs SO easy. And it saves a ton of time… seriously!

    It also has a bunch of easy-to-use design templates to get started if you’re not a natural designer (like me).

    I use Canva Pro and love it because it gives me access to countless more photos and templates that save me a ton of time on graphics for my business and for clients. In fact, I love it so much I’m an affiliate for Canva Pro!

    Social Media Templates

    I love templates, what can I say? They just save me so much time! These social media templates by Bluchic are lovely and easy to customize.

    I’m an affiliate for them as well, so if you use my link to purchase from them, I get a small commission at no extra cost to you.

    Bluchic Social Media Templates

    Tools to Promote Your Blog Social Media Scheduler

    Later is pretty great as a social media scheduler, especially if you focus primarily on Facebook and Instagram. You can easily switch between your different schedules for your social media platforms and copy/paste any posts you want to repurpose.

    Plus, it gives you direct access to Unsplash, so you don’t have to go through the whole process of download the photo and then reuploading it to Later.

    One more thing I really like about Later is that when you’re creating Instagram posts, it has a “Suggested Hashtags” tool that lets you find relevant hashtags for your topic.

    Tailwind for Pinterest

    Many bloggers get most of their traffic from Pinterest—and Tailwind is the reason why. It lets you quickly schedule dozens of posts at a time and join “Tribes” that will help share your content.

    I’m an affiliate for Tailwind because I’ve seen how well it can work for bloggers. Click here to get started with Tailwind!

    Flodesk for Email

    I love Flodesk’s templates. They’re beautiful and easy to use and customize to match your brand. Plus, they also have templates that are more plain if that’s what you need too.

    I started out my business with Mailchimp and found it to be a little difficult for me to use with the free version. I finally made the leap over to Flodesk in June and I couldn’t be happier with my choice!

    While using Mailchimp, my email open rate was between 15% and 20%, which isn’t bad… but a few weeks after switching over to Flodesk, I found my open rate increase. It’s now between 25% and 35% (sometimes 40% or higher), depending on the content.

    Because I love it so much, I’m an affiliate with them. If you sign up using my affiliate link, you actually get 50% off of your monthly price–for life.

    Flodesk normally charges $38 per month (and doesn’t increase as your subscribers increase like other email service providers do). But with my link, you will only pay $19 for as long as you have Flodesk.

    Click here to start a free trial with Flodesk.

    Want to Save Even MORE Time With Tools for Blogging?

    I have an entire list of 18+ different tools you can use for writing, graphics, social media, email, and more. Plus, I also have a long list of blogging prompts to get your creative juices flowing.

    Click here to get my FREE Blogging Bundle, which includes those lists!

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  • 5 Real Reasons People Aren’t Opening Your Emails

    Why people aren't opening your emails
    Get your emails opened.

    If you’re having a tough time figuring out why people aren’t opening your emails, you’re not alone.

    And although I offer email writing services for those who don’t have the time or simply don’t want to go through the agony of figuring out how to write compelling email copy, I want you to know that writing your own emails doesn’t have to be scary.

    In fact, I would encourage people to write their own emails for at least a little while before hiring a copywriter to take over. Why? So that you can nail down your personal voice.

    After all—and let me establish this right off the bat—your emails are NOT a corporate newsletter. You are a human being speaking to other human beings. 

    Email is simply the medium. Your words are the message. And the message is what’s most important.

    So let’s unpack some of the most common reasons your emails aren’t getting opened. Shall we?

    Why people aren't opening your emails

    1. You’re writing emails to the masses instead of having a conversation with a friend. 

    I’ve heard several marketing experts say that when writing copy (whether for a blog or an email or social media), you should write to one person. Picture them in your mind and talk only to them.

    One of my mentors suggested that I actually have a picture that matches my ideal client and stick it by my computer while I’m typing. That way, I’m imagining just writing to that one person who needs my help.

    The reason this is so important is that although you may be writing to multiple people, your email is arriving in your subscriber’s personal inbox. That is to say, they don’t see you speaking to the crowd. The crowd isn’t around. It’s just them at their computer, reading an email from you.

    So speak to that one person as if they’re the only one you’re talking to. Make it a conversation. And I promise that the person reading your email will feel a stronger connection with you and what you’re saying.

    2. You’re filling your emails up with so much text and pictures that it’s hard to follow. 

    I believe that emails should be incredibly easy to read. When people open your email, they should know exactly where to look, what to read, and where to go when they’re done reading. 

    Think about your own inbox. How many emails do you get a day?

    For me, it’s at least 50. Yikes, I know. So when I open an email that is way too busy visually, it stresses me out and, without even thinking, I delete it and move on to the next one.

    Don’t create an email that sends your subscriber straight to the delete key. 

    The good news about this is that it actually makes it easier on you! You do NOT need the stress of feeling like you have to come up with an overwhelming amount of content and pictures. 

    Start by choosing a simple format on your email service provider. Design is fine and be visually appealing, but studies have shown that plain-text emails perform better than super duper fancy ones. 

    In fact, the founder of ConvertKit—who is a designer—doesn’t even include fancy templates in ConvertKit’s email options because his experiments have shown again and again that people prefer simple emails over heavily designed ones.

    Does this mean you can’t add a little pizzazz to your emails? I don’t think so. But just don’t let your emails become visually confusing. If you add design, make sure it’s clear to the reader where they’re supposed to look.

    That said, write an email in plain, simple language like you would talk to a friend.

    Then, end with a very clear call to action. I would recommend limiting yourself to one call to action per email. So in one email, you might tell your subscriber to click to read your latest blog. In another email, you may tell them to take advantage of a limited-time discount your offering on a product.

    By giving your subscribers one task to complete, you’re upping the likelihood that they’ll actually do what you’re asking.

    3. Your newsletter isn’t adding tremendous value. 

    This is a hard one, I know. But really ask yourself if your emails are meeting a need. 

    Are you answering a big question people have? Or are you offering encouragement to a weary soul? Are you building camaraderie with someone who needs guidance? Or maybe you’re giving insider information to a hungry reader.

    Every email you send should add value. 

    4. You’re not being consistent. 

    Nurturing relationships takes time and it takes consistency. 

    Your relationship with the Lord is a perfect example. If you’re not daily seeking Him, reading His Word and listening for His voice, it is much harder to nurture your relationship with Him into all it could be. 

    Don’t get me wrong. This isn’t a guilt trip; it’s just how it is. Abiding is so much easier as you continually nurture your relationship with God. 

    In the same way, engaging your target audience is so much easier when you’re consistently nurturing your relationship with them. 

    That includes talking to them, listening to them and asking questions regularly. Relationships must always take precedence over sales. 

    5. You’re talking to the wrong audience. 

    Whoops! If you’re doing all the things above and people are still not opening your emails, then you may have a bigger problem. 

    Maybe people signed up for your newsletter for all the wrong reasons, or they signed up thinking you would provide one kind of content and you provided something different. 

    If that’s what’s happening with you, it’s totally OK.

    In cases like this, don’t be scared when you see people unsubscribe. Unsubscribes are really just cleaning out your email list for you of people who are unengaged and aren’t your target audience.

    In fact, having an unengaged email list can hurt you in the long run and make it more likely that your emails will be flagged as spam. 

    Did you know I offer coaching and writing services?

    If you’ve tried my suggestions above and still aren’t seeing the results you want, schedule a call with me and let’s figure out a plan that works for you. Or hire me to write your emails for you! Reach me at

    Click here for more information on the services I offer to help your business thrive.

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